“Eeek! Didn’t your master tell you to bring all deliveries to the service entrance? The door in the archway to the south, and be quick about it!”
“You ignorant infidel, don’t you know men’s shoes when you see them? Take them around to the Sultan’s rooms—quick, before the Begum sees you!”
“You dirty thing! Get away to the service entrance where you belong!”
“How dare you! Get away to the men’s quarters where you belong!”
“You can’t enter unless you have an invitation from the Begum.”
“Are you deaf or merely stupid? We don’t take deliveries here. Now go!”
“The Begum’s ring! I’ll see it doesn’t get lost again.”
The maid tosses you a copper dirham and sends you on your way.
“Don’t insult me with your petty bribes! Get out!”
“Help! Thief!!!”
At a scream from the maid, an armed eunuch comes running.